Top 5 Apps to Enjoy a Stress Free Life in Australia.

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Life in Australia can be very stressful. The country offers a lot of opportunities for success, but it also comes with a lot of pressure.

In order to enjoy life in Australia, we need to find the best way to manage stress and anxiety. Luckily, there are many apps that we can use for this purpose.

The following list is full of apps that will help you enjoy your life in Australia, stress free.


Well known and beloved app Headspace, is an old-y but a good-y for a reason. The app is designed in a simple and easy to use way that is perfect for beginning meditators looking to learn as well as more advanced meditators who want to deepen their practice. It offers meditation techniques, advice on how to develop the best meditation practice, and daily inspiration. For those struggling to get their full 8 hours at night, it also has a incredible feature called “sleepcasts,” These night time mini episodes are there to soothe you with calming sounds and help you sleep easier. This app is perfect for anyone who wants to feel more relaxed, at peace and more grounded in reality.

Cost: $12.99/month or $94.99/year **FREE trial available!

Stop, Breathe, Think.

This app helps you breathe deeply and calm your mind. Originally created for teens to teach mindfulness and self soothing, it guides you through a series of five different breath exercises that alternate between focusing on what’s happening in your body and calming the mind. The breathing exercises help ease anxiety, stress, anger, sadness, and more. Offering five different breathing exercises, the first two are aimed at calming the body. The app allows users to quickly return to their breath and practice mindfulness. It’s a great way to change up your current bedtime routine and soothe yourself after a long day.

Hot Tip: If you still don’t feel calm, turn to the section “Tools For Peace: Compassionate Meditation” and try that instead.

Cost: Packages range from as little as $4.91/month to a one-time fee or $299 for unlimited lifetime access.


Rated as the #1 app for Sleep, Meditation and Relaxation, Calm’s mission is to make the world a happier and healthier place. In comparison to other meditation apps, Calm offers a wider variety of content in addition to meditations. Calm also offers the additional feature of ‘Daily Calm’. It is a daily original 10-minute guided meditation that focuses on different wellness topics. Updated every morning, the tool is a great way to get your mind into a healthy mindset to start your day off fresh. For newcomers we recommend courses like “How to Meditate” to get acclimated to the practice. Whilst more regular meditators can play around with the “Less Guidance” section, where they’ll find a meditation timer, lightly guided meditations, and open-ended meditations with bells.

Cost: Free 7 day trial with a premium subscription costing $14.99/month or $69.99 a year.

Glo Yoga.

A bit of a different one: Glo is a daily yoga practice app. With a strong emphasis on breathing practices and meditation—both of which help calm and centre the mind— Yoga is becoming a more and more increasingly popular practice to soothe the mind and destress. The app offers over 5,000 classes, ranging from five minutes long to two full hours. Styles offered range from Vinyasa, Hatha, Ashtanga, Kundalini, Iyengar, and are all online which is great for those who don’t have the confidence to try them in an in-person setting. There are also daily live classes. Another benefit is the cost. The whole Glo bundle costs $24 per month. Compared to the price of a Yoga class in Sydney, where the average boutique class averages over $25 a pop, this is a steal.

Hot Tip: For those who are not quite sure what you’re looking for, YogaGlo has a “discover” option that gives smart suggestions.

Cost: $24.00/month or $245/year **FREE trial available!

Smiling Mind.

We have left our personal favourite until last- Smiling Mind.

Smiling Mind was created by two mindfulness and meditation enthusiasts right here at home- in Australia. The two entrepreneurs set out with one task in mind: to make mindfulness and meditation accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget and where they are. The founders looked for ways to make mindfulness accessible to people of all backgrounds and incomes. “You don’t need a lot of time or money to start meditating. Just 10 minutes a day is ideal and you can do it anywhere,” says Jane Martino, co-founder. The app offers guided meditations for adults but is mostly geared towards children to improve their mental health and academic performance. Since their launch in 2012, the app has successfully reached 8.6 million young people. Also we saved the best bit for last…

Cost: FREE.

The apps mentioned in this article are unique because they offer soothing audio experiences to help you drift off, 2-3-minute mini-meditations to help you quickly achieve a state of calm and some even have a timer that will go off at the end of your session.

The five apps mentioned in this article are: Headspace, Calm, ‘Stop, Breathe, Think’, Glo Yoga and Smiling Mind.

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