Why Parking Spaces Are A Public Good and Necessary For Community Well Being.

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Australia has a huge problem on its hands. Exploding population, massive amounts of traffic, and a shortage of parking spaces. Well, it’s not actually a shortage of parking spaces. It’s that it’s locked away and in the wrong places. Yep, you read that right. It’s estimated that there is only 1 parking space for every 6 drivers in our urban cities.

A parking space is a conceptual framework that many people will agree on. Parking spaces are required in municipalities to ensure that the flow of traffic is orderly and continuous. The presence of parking spaces allows people to safely park their motor vehicles in a convenient location.

As a parking management company, we at Share With Oscar place high importance on how this will benefit society overall, ie.:

Managing Traffic Congestion

Ease of travel, community quality of life, and life satisfaction are all linked. According to many studies, one of the main causes of traffic congestion are drivers looking for parking spaces — these are parents, workers, and individuals going to schools, shops, or parks. By easing traffic in the community we can increase productivity and allow people to use their time enjoying the more important part of life.

Sustainability and a Greener Future

Simply stated, conventional parking remains one of sustainability’s greatest challenges. By sharing what we already have and sharing our infrastructure and resources, we can minimize the number of new parking lots built. Additionally, we can reduce such wastage of energy and petrol used cycling the block searching for a car park. Together as a community lets work towards a more sustainable future.

Using Available Spaces Efficiently

There is only 1 parking space for every 6 drivers in our urban cities, and in highly urbanized cities, finding parking is just about impossible. Yet there is so much unused space for the most part of the day that’s hidden, locked away and private. Instead of building more unsightly parking lots, let’s help each other by lending what we already have, and making the most efficient use of space.

We can make our cities more liveable through sharing. We’re changing the way we share our infrastructure and resources when we don’t use them, to create greener, smarter, and more liveable cities.

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