Our Commitment To Creating a Smarter and More Sustainable Tomorrow.

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Committed to Our Customers’ Sustainability Journey.

At Oscar, we are committed to empowering our customer’s sustainability efforts by providing them with environmental and economic value. All our parking solutions have sustainability at their core, designed to maximise usage of pre-existing resources, sustainable infrastructure and promote greener cities. A core element in the Oscar ethos is to help customers live a sustainable day to day life without the need to take drastic measures of how they live. We believe that together we create a smarter and more sustainable tomorrow.

One way to achieve these sustainable business goals is to target investment for building green infrastructure and renewable energy solutions. Recently in cities and towns across Australia, a movement to relook at sustainable infrastructure has been growing. Here at Oscar, we are playing our part by providing solutions for the inefficient use of space in our cities. By doing so, we can share what we already have instead of building more unsightly parking lots.

The scale of action required cannot be underestimated. It requires a fundamental transformation of all sectors, including energy, transport, infrastructure, agriculture, forestry and land use. Humans must also radically rethink how we consume generally, in particular in respect to fuel and power.

There is only 1 parking space for every 6 drivers in our urban cities, and in highly urbanised cities, finding parking is just about impossible. Yet there is so much unused space for the most part of the day that’s hidden, locked away and private. We are making commitments to meet environmental goals by changing the way we think and reimagining how they can deliver energy-efficient cities. Together we can create a future of smart communities that is green.

So, what’s the answer? Going forwards, electrification of vehicles has a huge role to play in tackling the impact cars have on the environment – largely because they produce far fewer greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to environmental advantages, localised and efficient green transport also provides a multitude of economic and social benefits.

On top of providing a more sustainable solution to accessing more parking spaces, part of our commitment to a smarter and sustainable tomorrow, is our electric charging points on site. Promoting sustainable alternatives is incredibly important in our industry as we are aware of the fact that transport accounts for around one-fifth of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Together, we can create greener, smarter, and more liveable cities.

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